“I witnessed our fall with each season blister
the forest floors curled up like battlefields
while world leaders choke – on charred words”
fleeting world
I witnessed our fall with each season blister
the forest floors curled up like battlefields
while world leaders choke – on charred words
our future hung, burning in plumes of ash
surging from the mouth of river banks.
We watched on, our cities awash
Mother Nature pleading with weathered cry
an unheard chorus echoing
between lines of classroom lessons
we chose to never adhere nor listen.
Too stubborn in our childish ways
in denial of climate change.
THE Garden of Growth
‘Time ran off with youth
a green flash over distant dunes
I hid behind a mask
a statue in the shadows of self-doubt
the vocal chords tightly hung -
in the landscape of life.’
We are everything and nothing
‘weightless in the dark
patiently waiting our place in time.
We sink, we float, we crumble, we stall
we breathe, we weep, we rise, we soar
A billion atoms cascading into stars—
tiny grains in search of light—
we are nothing and everything
and so much more.’
Green Conscience
I’m over 150 years old now, and the only memory I hear
“it doesn’t matter Love, I’ll be dead before you, my dear.”
But the thing is it does, STOP. Wait. Hear me out
I don’t want to outlive you, there is no room for doubt
I’m tired of being helpless the headline in bold,
“Celebrity”, for all the wrong reasons with demons that won’t die
species I’m killing and guilt I can’t deny.
I’m not cool or on trend, I didn’t ask for this fame
to be invincible was not part of the end game.
I don’t want to be immortal with excess time to play
I don’t deserve your glory, nor worthy of praise
I just want a choice, which no-one once asked me for,
I am not a superhero, I can’t rewind time
but you are the gods; who hold destiny in the palm of your hands
The future is now. Put me down
Don’t just crush me.
REFUSE! Don’t just abuse, the voice, who can’t choose.’