Laura Antonia

Story Focus

‘By the quiet of the lake he whispered goodbye, snowflakes kisses melting into his tracks as he slipped away behind white dusty lines.'  Laura works in narrative, carefully crafting together photography and poetry, breathing life into the written form; transporting her subjects to a spellbinding world based on their own reality and personal experiences.  Laura’s poems and imagery are layered in meaning and symbolism, captivating the attention of the audience: 'Summer creeped in gracefully over the garden gate, perfumed in floral scented notes, unveiling a layer of mist over his gaze'. All props are delicately designed by Laura, hand made or selectively sourced for each individual photographic art piece. The set is then incorporated into the location creating a magical realist world for her subjects to dwell, opening the path for her viewers to wander. Delve into the following highlighted features from the site from commissioned to personal projects and explore these unique and captivating stories.



Feature 1 - Nature unmasked

bird butterfly bee prop srgb.jpg

The enviornmental series - ‘Bird’, ‘Butterfly’ & ‘Bee’


Feature 3 - Golden glittered 3d stars and handmade dreamcatcher net with gold lacquered paper maché stars.

Feature 4 - Golden glittered 3d stars and handmade dreamcatcher net with gold lacquered paper-maché stars.

Feature 2 - Keito - Translated from the JAPANESE Kanji meaning ‘Knitting’

Feature 3 - Keito - Translated from the JAPANESE Kanji meaning ‘Knitting’


Feature 4 - Lady of the Starlit sky

Lady of the starlit sky is a piece layered in many meaning and personal details for the beautiful Maya. Time is effortlessly paused in this moment, capturing Maya in all her beauty on the cusp of making her mark on the map of life.


Feature 3 - A Life Created

A lady weaves her mixed cultural identity using six different names, each capturing a unique facet of her self-expression and how she identifies herself; within her career, family and navigation in this world.



Feature 1

Nature unmasked

Bird, Butterfly and Bee,
represent critical elements in the circle of life
as pollinators and spreaders of seeds.
— Nature unmasked - the environmental series by Laura Antonia abbott©
Gold Bird 10 srgb web.jpg




Nature Unmasked

This environmental series was inspired by the Pandemic and Lockdown. While humanity suffered restricted behind closed door, the introduction of masks were made compulsory in parts of the globe; as air traffic stood still for a short while, nature was given a chance to breathe and flourish unimpeded by the normal levels of human activity and pollution.

‘Bird’, “Butterfly’ and ‘Bee’ represent critical elements in the circle of life as pollinators and spreaders of seeds.



stocvkimage for bird feature srgb.jpg


Feature 2

The Seasons of Grief

“Under broken wings, you rose.
feeling freedom with the rushing winds.
A tiny seed blistered into the rising sun,
free at last, whole again.”



Feature 2

In the seasons of grief, the viewer is immersed in a profound and poignant journey that unfolds through a series of ever-changing landscapes. This captivating exploration is set against the backdrop of a subject grappling with the sudden and unexpected loss of her mother to suicide. Drawing inspiration from the subjects' rich heritage, which beautifully intertwines elements from both Swedish and Japanese cultures, we bear witness to the profound shifts and transformations that occur within the landscapes, mirroring the protagonist's own emotional journey through grief. As each season gracefully unfolds, we are gently guided through a kaleidoscope of emotions, as she navigates the depths of sorrow, reminisces about cherished memories, and eventually finds a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness and an emergence to the return of self.




Japan - In the final season of the series on grief, the art of Kintsugi has been masterfully integrated, metaphorically weaving its concept into the fragile tapestry of our experiences with grief and illuminating the transformative power it holds. Kintsug is the Japanese art and practice of repairing broken pottery with gold lacquer, emphasizing the beauty in the imperfections and reminding us that our brokenness can be a source of strength and resilience. As Nicole navigates the depths of grief and learns to embrace the imperfections life hands us through the passing of a loved one. The intricate process of Kintsugi reflects the journey of grief, reminding us that it is through embracing our vulnerabilities and the pain of loss that we can ultimately grow and evolve. It is a gentle reminder that the cracks in our hearts have the capacity to heal and transform, given patience and time.

Sweden - Winter's Embrace: A Journey through Grief and the inner-child

"Winter's Embrace" delicately captures the vulnerability and concept of the inner-child amidst the profound grief of losing a mother and how we flung into past feelings of self. This eco-friendly prop, designed and created from recycled cardboard and biscuit packaging, is not just an artistic expression but a poignant reminder of how despite being adults we find ourselves falling into old patterns stemmed from the loss of mother and consequently the loss of who we are as an individual. The snowy scene for this image in the series reflects a journey through memory of childhood years spent in Sweden but also is a reflection of our vulnerability and clinging to a time of innocence now lost.


The Season for Grief in Images


Feature 3 - A series on Identity

A Life Created

I yearned to be liberated from the tall walls
history built around our city,
to tear down social stigmas and traverse the state of dreams.
— A Life Created by Laura Antonia abbott

A Life created

It began with a single name.  A soft whispered word waiting to be heard.  A delicate desire to blossom and flourish like scattered seeds thirsty for water. I yearned to be liberated from the tall walls history built around our city; to tear down social stigmas and traverse the state of dreams; rising tall from the clouds as a woman with great strength; ready to give birth to the possibility of dreams.’

Image 5/6 handmade outdoor bed with cherry blossom branches

Image 5/6 handmade outdoor bed with cherry blossom branches


Keito - Giant handmade prop used in the shoot by Laura Abbott



What is in a name. Can it define our future? Does it affect who we become?

One woman, six names.

A Life Created’ as seen through the eye of the artist, takes the viewer on a magical and explorative journey of one woman’s self discovery. Inspired by the meaning behind her multiple names, delicate strands of Japanese and Korean heritage are knitted together blurring boundaries between surreal and real.  A poetic narrative of Yuko’s identity slowly unravels, breathing life into the human condition, our inner struggles and hidden desires; fragility of motherhood to making dreams and finally a sense of belonging immerse in Singapore.  Through the complexities and fluid nature of identity what we see is a colourful life surface through these meaningful names

A delicate desire to blossom and flourish
like scattered seeds thirsty for water.
— Miwon - The Origin of Beauty

Yuko Ashizawa

(Child of Abundance)


Miwon - The origin of beauty

(to be seen not just an object of beauty but to be seen as a person from the inside out.)

Keito- Knitting

(you can be anything you put your mind to)


Jahanala - ‘Light of the People’

Mother - Tomorrow’s child

Mrs Singapore Global 2019

Feature 4

Lady of the starlit sky

- Maya’s Contellation

I am the Lady of the starlit sky
drawing back nights evening cape
watching as the great stars align.
— Lady of the starlit sky by Laura Antonia abbott

Storyboard sketches - Maya sketch of a childhood photograph and a distinctive look which inspired the piece


Lady of the Starlit Sky

I am the Lady of the starlit sky
drawing back night’s evening cape
watching as the great stars align.
Strong, I rise from the rocks I climb,
bold against the weathered clock 
which looms above the passage of time.
I’m humbled by my journeys,
crossing worlds to feed the curious of minds
giving back creatively to champion change,
breaking boundaries and healing pain.
I’m drawn to waterfalls like fish in oceans,
channeling inner peace like the Tao of my name
I flow through life’s streams to unravel my dreams,
finding strength on the pitch where I play.
I am the scales, shaping the shifting tides
stepping into the ring with a rhythmic swing,
pounding out the beat to the dance of the drum within;
Fighting, for my part on this stage called life.

Storyboard sketch into the location alongside golden rope with star which was made for the shoot



The magic of Maya’s constellation fills the dusky night sky. Twinkling stars configured in clusters of twos and threes significant of her auspicious arrival into the world, her date of birth and weight all of which repeat the same recurring pattern of numbers: born at 2.23am, weighing 3.23kg.  A grand total of 23 stars can be counted in the piece, a symbol of the 23 strokes in her Chinese name and her lucky number. Through the midnight blue celestial sphere a hidden fish outline can be traced with a finger. A silent nod to her astrological water sign, Pisces. Against the darkness Maya stands affirmative and illuminated, an intrepid explorer on the cusp of her universe. A golden rope falls from her dreamcatcher, loosely wrapping around her ankle, anchoring her to the core but not holding her back. (The rope acts as the unbiblical cord to her universe and a symbol for her rock climbing passion.) Behind, dark brown rocks rise, strong in nature and bold against the ocean. A reflection of Maya’s personality which I feel is one of independence, strength, courage and determination denoted by the sports she plays; Muay Thai, boxing, touch rugby and rock climbing. Either side of her waterfalls cascade down lower rocks, mirroring the Taoist philosophy of Wu Wei, “flow with the water and the water will flow with you” and her love for waterfalls.   In her hand she firmly grips a hand made golden dreamcatcher which shines brilliantly; semi filled with small paper maché stars and interwoven with bronzed sequins in the same recurring numerical pattern. A tiny emblem of goals already achieved. Scattered around her glinting in the soft light, a further collection of three large stars, close by but not quite within grasp, illustrating the possibility of hurdles to conquer. Finally, looming above her a solo shooting star inflames the horizon leaving a limitless path of wishes, dreams, aspirations for the future and journey ahead.

‘Through the midnight blue celestial sphere a hidden fish outline can be traced with a finger. A silent nod to her astrological sign pisces.’

‘Through the midnight blue celestial sphere a hidden fish outline can be traced with a finger. A silent nod to her astrological sign pisces.’

Handmade glittered card stars.

Handmade glittered card stars.

What is in a name and can it influence us on our road in life?

Maya was named after one of the great influential and cultural pioneering women of our time, Maya Angelou.  Her middle name Tao was chosen thanks to the ‘Tao of Pooh’ a wonderful discovery which in my research to this portrait I read, having previously very little knowledge on the subject of Taoism, subsequently I stumbled across Wang Wei, the great Chinese landscape painter and poet whose work was strongly influenced by Taoism.  I found this alluring given Maya’s middle name ‘Tao’ as well as her (heritage), passion for rock climbing and love of waterfalls.

I’m humbled by my journeys, crossing worlds to feed the curious of minds giving back creatively to champion change, breaking boundaries and healing pain.
— Lady of the starlit sky by Laura Antonia abbott
I am the scales, shaping the shifting tides
stepping into the ring with a rhythmic swing,
pounding out the beat to the dance of the drum within;
— Lady of the starlit sky by Laura Antonia abbott